Increasing Your Survival Odds On Quebec Trails…

Related: Reduce Snowmobiling Risks


Thousands of kilometres of organized snowmobile trails are available for our riding pleasure. Many of them travel through remote areas where help is far away. So, in an emergency, you’re on your own. That’s why it’s always smart to be prepared.

Carrying an emergency kit and tools, travelling in a group, and having some first aid knowledge can be life savers. A sat phone or a satellite tracker unit is a necessary safety net, because cell service is spotty at best on many trails. But what if you could ride someplace where urgent help is closer than usual?

Evacuation Points For Quebec Snowmobiler Rescue

Quebec offers countless evacuation points on their trails. Designated by red signs that say “Évacuation d’Urgence” (Emergency Evacuation), they also include GPS coordinates. These marked locations are near road or aerial access positions. Here, first responders can better reach those in distress for Quebec snowmobiler rescue.

The FCMQ interactive trail map and Motoneige App identify these evacuation points as red 911 icons to help snowmobilers find them. To show evacuation points on the interactive map, click the pointer symbol in the top right corner of the map screen. Next, under the word “Security” at the bottom of the drop down menu, select “Evacuation Point”.

Airmedic For Quebec Snowmobiler Rescue

Quebec snowmobiler rescue provided by Air Medic helicopter flights to nearest hospital.

Air Medic crew provide Quebec snowmobiler rescue. Photo courtesy of Air Medic.

Of course, Evacuation Points alone won’t save your life. You also need emergency transportation for Quebec snowmobiler rescue. That’s why every snowmobiler riding in Quebec should subscribe to Airmedic. Airmedic is a well-established private company that provides reliable first responder medical assistance and airborne transportation to its members.

Quebec snowmobiler rescue by Air Medic occurs south of the 51st parallel which takes in all FCMQ trails.

Pink shading shows Air Medic coverage area.

Joining Airmedic costs only $75 per person for three months for 24/7 coverage in the area south of the 51st parallel, which includes all FCMQ trails. Perfect for the primary January, February and March snowmobiling season. What’s more, you can cover about half the cost of an Airmedic membership with the insurance rebate you can get from your seasonal FCMQ trail permit. Plus, CAA members can also save 25%! With those savings, Airmedic membership for 3 months is a no-brainer.


Quebec snowmobiler rescue by Air Medic happens 24/7. Photo courtesy of Air Medic.

But there’s still a missing component to the Evacuation Point/Airmedic safety equation. You have to be able to reach out for Quebec snowmobiler rescue from the trail. But did you know that 75% of La Belle Province is not served by 9-1-1 emergency service? And that’s why every group should carry at least one satellite tracker unit or sat phone to contact Airmedic.

My Last Word

Help is only a flight away with Quebec snowmobiler rescue from Air Medic.

Air Medic provides Quebec snowmobiler rescue anywhere south of the 51st parallel. Photo courtesy of Air Medic.

Most of return safely from every ride without serious incident. But you never know when fate, bad luck or unforeseen circumstances will trigger a life-threatening emergency. And that’s when Quebec’s Evacuation Points and Airmedic service can make the difference between a life or death outcome. Is your life worth 75 bucks?

The tips and advice in this blog are the opinions of the author, may not work in every situation and are intended only for the convenience and interest of the reader, who has the personal responsibility to confirm the validity, accuracy and relevancy of this information prior to putting it to their own use.


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