Fast Facts For Planning Your Mont Laurier Area Ride…
Related: Mont Laurier Day Loops
This Upper Laurentians Quebec Snowmobile Snapshot is a quick overview of everything you need to know to plan your own ride staging out of Mont Laurier, Quebec this winter. It focuses primarily a 2-day run on Le Tour Coureurs des Bois (The Wood Runner Loop). That’s a 464-km circle ride from Mont Laurier north into the Upper Laurentians, with visits to many of the pourvoiries (outfitters) who created the Wood Runner Trails and provide such incredible hospitality services to visiting riders.
Top Tips For Riding Upper Laurentians Quebec
- Make reservations well in advance for all accommodations.
- Wood Runner Trails have enough fuel & services for worry-free riding.
- Truck & trailer parking for your tour is available for guests at each of: Pourvoirie Club Fontbrune, Rabaska Lodge & Pourvoirie Meekos, and also at Comfort Inn Mont Laurier with a two-night stay (arrival & departure nights).
- Trail & snow conditions in the Upper Laurentians can begin before Christmas and extend to late March, with an annual average of 350-cm accumulation.

Chute du Windigo, on Club Trail 228
Access to Mont Laurier by Road
- From Ottawa – Highways 307/309 north
- From Montreal – Highways 15/117
Access to Mont Laurier by Trail
- From Ottawa Area – TQ13/63 or TQ53/63
- From Montreal – TQ33/4353/63

Trail 63 east of Mont Laurier
Upper Laurentians Quebec Snowmobile Snapshot Itinerary
Day One: Arrival day

Comfort inn, Mont Laurier
- Drive Distance: 630 km from Toronto
- Lodging: Comfort Inn, Mont Laurier (truck & trailer parking for guests)
- Restaurant: La Cage Aux Sports on site
- Fuel: Across the road
- Road Access: Hwys 309/117
- Trail Access: Take Local Trail in front of hotel east to TQ63
Day Two: Ride Day

Pourvoirie Club Fontbrune
- Ride: 265 km via TQ63/322/221/322/319/TQ53/322/TQ13/322/236 riding most of The Picturesque Loop (shows green on trail map above) running east & north of Mont Laurier
- Point of Interest: Local Trail 221 – la Chute et la montagne du Lac Curière
- Fuel: L’Ascension, Chute-Saint-Philippe, Ferme-Neuve, Pourvoirie Club Fontbrune
- Lunch: Restaurant Chez Touti, Chute-Saint-Philippe
- Lodging: Pourvoirie Club Fontbrune
- Restaurant: on site
- Trail Access: Local Trail 236
Day Three: Ride Day

Pourvoirie Fer á Cheval
- Ride: 233 km via 236/322/235/319/TQ35/TQ33/TQ13 south riding eastern side of Wood Runners Loop (shows blue on map)
- Fuel: Pourvoirie Meekos, Dépanneur Relais Ku-NIC, Pourvoirie 100 Lacs sud, Pourvoirie Fer à Cheval
- Lunch: Pourvoirie Mekoos
- Lodging: Pourvoirie Fer À Cheval
- Restaurant: on site
- Trail Access: TQ13
Day Four: Ride Day

Rabaska Lodge
- Ride: 256 km via TQ13 south/228/229/228/236/225/322/236 riding western side of Wood Runners Loop (shows blue on map) + Devil’s Mountain area
- Points of Interest: Local trail 228 – la Montagne du Diable, 229 – Sentiers des Tours, 228 – Chute du Windigo
- Fuel: Club Notawissi, Pourvoirie du Lac George, Rabaska Lodge
- Lunch: Pourvoirie Notawissi or Relais la Montagne du Diable (snack bar)
- Lodging: Rabaska Lodge
- Restaurant: on site
- Trail Access: Local trail 236

Great riding on Wood Runner Trails
Day Five – Extra Ride Day or Departure
- Ride: 66 km via 322/225/TQ13 south, back to Mont Laurier to depart or ride longer southwestern loop back to town to stay over another night via RT322/63/322/53/63 (not highlighted on map)
- Fuel: Mont Laurier
- Lodging: trailer load up & depart or stay at Comfort Inn

Sights & scenery like this aplenty
Contact Info
Sentiers Coureurs des Bois Partners
- Comfort Inn, Mont Laurier
- Pourvoirie Club Fontbrune
- Rabaska Lodge
- Club Notawissi
- Pourvoirie Fer á Cheval
- Pourvoirie des 100 Lacs Sud
- Pourvoirie Meekos
Sled Rentals
- F. Constantineau & Fils
- Pourvoirie Club Fontbrune
- Pourvoirie Meekos
Mont Laurier Snowmobile Dealers
- F. Constantineau & Fils (Ski-Doo)
- Moto des Ruisseaux (Polaris)
- Théo Récreo (Arctic Cat & Yamaha)
Ride Planning Websites

Navigating Wood Runner Trails is a breeze with lots of great signs
Upper Laurentians Quebec Snowmobile Snapshot Last Word
If you’re looking for a destination with superb trails and lots of riding choices, plus some of the best hospitality and cuisine you’ll ever experience, make your reservations today to ride Mont Laurier and the Upper Laurentians. Check out the complete tour story in Supertrax Magazine or your prefer it in French, click here.
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The tips and advice in this blog are the opinions of the author, may not work in every situation and are intended only for the convenience and interest of the reader, who has the personal responsibility to confirm the validity, accuracy and relevancy of this information prior to putting it to their own use.