Never Worry Again About Losing Sight of the Rider Ahead…
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Why do trail riders need helmet safety lights on their lids? Most of us have encountered poor visibility situations. Uncomfortable times when we can hardly see the rider ahead. These include riding in white-outs, storms, ground fog, snow dust and after dark. In these conditions, following riders can’t rely on seeing much in front. Not snow-covered tail lights, brightly coloured jackets or reflective materials, at least in time to react quickly.
But not being able to keep the rider in front of you in sight is not only dangerous. It’s also disorienting. Also disconcerting, with worry about not being able to keep up, running into the sled ahead, or even getting separated or lost. And believe me, when visibility’s tough, it’s already hard enough to know where you’re at. So who needs the added stress of trying to maintain a good sightline on your companions?

Note that the integrated helmet light on front sled isn’t anywhere near as bright as back 3 sleds with Biteharder Safety Lights.
“The lights – just wow! Was a bit skeptical at first when I saw them, they are REALLY bright. In snow dust you couldn’t see tail lights but you sure could see them! Way brighter than taillights, even when braking. A few of the guys had oxygen helmets – couldn’t see their lights but sire saw these! Great product. Highly recommend. Will be putting these in family members stocking at Christmas for sure!” – Kathleen Hedley, Intrepid Snowmobiler crew rider
About Helmet Safety Lights
Biteharder Helmet Safety Lights solve these problems effectively and inexpensively. They use super bright LED technology in a 5th generation design. Sure, some helmets like the Ski-Doo Oxygen have built in rear helmet lights. But not every rider can afford their premium price. Besides, many snowmobiling households have a variety of helmets, all of which can benefit from rear lighting.
“The helmet lights are really bright and a must have for any rider. Not only do they work well at night but they ensure you can always see the rider in front of you – especially through heavy snowdust.” – Mike Isenberg, Sledaddicz
Biteharder helmet safety lights are no gimmick. They are from the highest quality components available, for years of trouble-free operation. The standard light come in six different colours – red, amber, blue, green, pink and aqua, allowing users to colour coordinate with their equipment. Helmet safety lights can also help identify other members of your group/family when all use the same colour. There’s even a Blizzard Buster model. It’s a colour selectable light that enables the rider to choose and switch between 12 colours – perfect for an individual snowmobiler to change to coordinate with any ride group.
What’s more, installation is simple, with no tools required. Everything needed comes with the kit. Helmet safety lights mount on the back of your helmet using 3M industrial strength adhesive backing. It’s impervious to the cold. The power source is shared with your helmet’s electric face shield, without reducing visor heat. If you don’t use an electric visor, the helmet lights can be powered independently using your sled’s accessory plug. So no batteries to change or freeze up on the trail.
Their clever installation system allows for easy visor lifting. As well as fully raising the front of your modular helmet, or use of helmet communicators. And even if you are also running an electric heated visor, Biteharder’s propriety power splitter means there’s still only one cord running between you and your sled.
Helmet Accessory Power Cord
Speaking of cords, Biteharder has also developed a better one. Its patented Helmet Accessory Power Cord uses the highest quality materials to ensure optimum power delivery to either or both of your helmet safety light & your heated visor. The RCA connectors fit tight and the cord’s made of a cold-weather silicone that remains flexible even in a deep freeze. The Helmet Accessory Power Cord is actually two cords in one. The 1st is a short, fixed length cord that connects with your helmet. The 2nd, an expandable long cord, connects from the short cord to the accessory plug on your sled.
One advantage of this set-up is that when you get off your sled, you can disconnect where these two cords join. This leaves the short cord still connected to your helmet where it doesn’t get in your way walking around. But it’s super handy for re-connecting when your’e ready to ride again (even with gloves on). No more fiddling around, trying to feel for a helmet connection you can’t even see! This two-cord set up also allows a rider to run the cord connecting helmet and sled under your jacket if that’s your preference. Or to stand up while riding without yanking on your older, too-short cord!
“Bite Harder’s helmet light is an incredible addition to snowmobiling safety. Being able to see the rider in front of me at all times, and in all conditions made my ride much more enjoyable – well done Bite Harder!” – Brent Murphy, Intrepid Snowmobiler crew rider
Benefits of Helmet Safety Lights
Anyone who’s snowmobiled behind a rider with a rear helmet light will attest that it takes all the stress and guesswork out of following someone. And because it’s helmet-mounted, the safety light is at the highest point on every rider, where it can always be seen. Even riders farther back in the pack benefit from the bright beacon of helmet safety lights. They’re simply the best way to go trail riding, day or night. And now they’re affordable for everyone.

Even when it’s still light out, the Helmet Safety Lights stand out brightly.
“These helmet safety lights are incredibly bright – so much brighter than the ones included on OEM helmets. They are visible even in heavy blowing snow and snow dust from the sleds ahead. Every helmet should have one!” – Al Fletcher, Intrepid Snowmobiler crew rider
My Last Word
So, no more Imagining what it would be like if every rider in your group could always be easily seen from behind. After your first ride with Biteharder Helmet Safety Lights, you’ll never want to ride without them again. Meanwhile, it has made my list of game changer snowmobile products!
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